Deep in the heart of the jungle of Tikitakhor, where ancient trees whisper secrets and vines hang like the garments of forgotten history, lies a crumbling temple ruin by a tranquil, enchanted lagoon.

This place, once a center of sacred rituals and arcane power, now stands silent and brooding, its purpose obscured by the mists of time. However, recently, the wind has carried strange and eerie sounds from the temple at night—whispers of lost incantations, the clinking of invisible chains, and ghostly noises that chill the blood.

Among the local tribes and adventurous souls, rumors swirl; some say the spirits of the temple guardians have awakened, while others believe a forgotten curse is stirring once more. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the ancient temple is not as abandoned as it appears, and it beckons all who are brave or foolish enough to uncover its secrets...

I created this 40x40 grid map in Inkarnate (with some custom stamps), which - even without a grid - has the natural tiled floor created by the temple's stone plates. I may use it in an upcoming session as a hideout for some bandits and an entry point into a larger underground dungeon. I also have a day version of it and a darker version.

What do you think?