The Pathfinder beginner box is great, but it starts in 'room 1' of the dungeon - the basement to this building - and gives no map for the building even though it does map the town, and has a picture showing this building. The location is then used in two more adventures from Paizo, but still never gets its own map.
Other people have made their own versions of the building, but I wanted my own for reasons noted below.
High Resolution versions here:
Ground Floor: ****
Upper Floor: ****
Made with DungeonDraft using assets from Forgotten Adventures:
Design Goals:
I wanted an Otari Fishery that had the same shape as that seen in the image of Otari that looks in from the sea, and wanted to keep the building itself small. It's a 'fish and tackle' shop by day, and a card table spot by night. A lot of custom maps have made a full inn or tavern instead.
I put two rooms upstairs as I'm using a Foundry module:
that gives Tamily a 15 year old daughter who works as the fishmonger in the Otari Market. There's a note in one of the books that implies the building is two floors, where it says she opens the ground floor to games at night.
My goal is to make this a central hub for the PCs. There is a side quest in one source that gives them a base a few miles out of town but I plan to make that spot un-usable as I would prefer to have them 'set up camp' in and around the town, and frequent Tamily as a regular contact.
I plan to start things off in the shop with the PCs walking in as the local guard
captain is finishing up paperwork for the captain of a ship that has just come into port.
He'll then turn to the PCs and say something along the lines of "so these are the lads you hired to look into that problem you've got?" then reach a hand out to shake a PC's hand.
Tamily says "yes, let me introduce them, this is..." and then hand it over to the PCs to each introduce their character.
But I'll likely start them outside the building, and place one guard down the pier sitting on one of the stools I set up, looking bored as he files his nails and watches porters unload a few crates from the larger ship. Setting up the 'welcome to a normal day in the life of a coastal village.'
After the PCs have made their introductions and before Tamily escorts them into the adventure I'll have that guard pop in and tell the guard captain that "everything checked out, no contraband in the hold."
And the captain will follow up with "since Absalom abolished it just a few year back; we get a lot of ships coming in from Chelliax trying to use Otari to smuggle in slaves for country nobles who don't like the new way of things."
I find it highly weird that there's a basement in a building on the waterfront like this, that leads into a lot more. >!But at least the BB maps go inland.!< I am though, going to make a point of it when I run the adventure that the place under there is damp and 'water sealed' because >!the BB adventure actually takes place!< below sea level...